A-Z Certification A: Goals
A - Your Goals. Establish for yourself, and your learning curve, what you want to achieve while learning Corel systems.
A-Z Certification B: Understand Corel
B - Understand Corel. The wider picture and concept of Corel can help you see what it, and you, are capable of.
A-Z Certification C: Menus
C - Menus. At the top of your Corel program are a list of names starting with File. What's that about?
A-Z Certification D: Tools
D - Tools. Down the left side of your Corel program, there's a list of funny icons. What do they do?
A-Z Certification E: Property Bar
E - Property Bar. Above the ruler at the top of your Corel workspace area, and below the menu words at the top there's all this funny stuff that changes depending on what you click on. Why? How?
A-Z Certification F: Colors Groups Layers
F - Colors Groups Layers. When parts of designs look different, or the same, they have areas that are grouped, welded, combined, or on top of each other. Let's see and learn.