Removing Parts of Vector
Very often we're asked about how to get rid of just a portion or portions of a particular design. This is how to do so for a vector graphic.
The Basics of Embroidery
Start here, after you've learned the basics of Corel, to learn specific concepts and techniques for Embroidery applications & production.
Live DAX KC 2019 CorelDraw for Beginners
Recorded Live Class from Kansas City. This is a simple walkthrough of general Corel functionality for beginners.
Live ISS Houston 2019 -Mid Level CorelDRAW
Recorded Live Class from Houston Texas, the Imprint Sportwear Show (Impressions). This class assumes intermediate and above level knowledge and dives right into advanced topics. Being a Live class, there are questions & answers here, that may not be anywhere else. Classes are tailored to those in the room/who attend.
Symmetry Tool & Objects to Path
New Features in CorelDRAW 2019 version. Objects to Path (awesome and much improved), the new drawing Symmetry Tool can really help.
Web – Cropping Erasing Editing
A class devoted to the removing parts of designs, specifically the Crop Tool, the Eraser Tool, and the Knife Tool (improved in newer versions).