A-Z Certification Q: Find & Replace
Q - Find & Replace. Especially useful in Corel 2019 and Newer! Select a part, find its matches, swap them out or change them... all together now.
A-Z Certification R: Searching Online
R - Searching Online. There is a near-infinite amount of stock artwork out there, most of which is free. Let's see how we can get some.
A-Z Certification T: CorelCAPTURE
T - CorelCAPTURE. Find and get any graphic you want (appropriate copyright & trademark disclaimer here). Search online, find a logo you need and choose how you bring it in to your Corel. Anything on your screen you can CorelCAPTURE.
A-Z Certification X: Digital & Impress
X - Digital & Impress. Beyond vector is Digital Graphics. Do more than just buy a fancy digital printer. Be able to produce the quality of the demonstrations you saw when you bought it.
Live DAX Kansas City 2020 -Beginners to Business
This is an ideal class for a beginner to attend. DAX Trade-show events are the very best invitation-only events in the industry. Classes here are heavily regulated & filtered for quality content. This recording of a Live class in Kansas City presents some great concepts for new-bees as well as an excellent review resource… How […]
Web NBM Irving 2020 Finding Clipart Online for Free
Sure, you can spend money on clipart. Or you can use this new thing, it’s called Google. Haha. Though having a quality & searchable library of vector art can certainly help, with new search technology, filters, and Corel’s high-quality tracing tools (PowerTRACE), you can give yourself near infinite “Clipart”. Class 1 of 2. Recorded in […]