A-Z Certification S: Tracing 1
S - Tracing 1. Converting a grungy bitmap into a usable vector design is fundamentally necessary for our industry.
A-Z Certification T: CorelCAPTURE
T - CorelCAPTURE. Find and get any graphic you want (appropriate copyright & trademark disclaimer here). Search online, find a logo you need and choose how you bring it in to your Corel. Anything on your screen you can CorelCAPTURE.
A-Z Certification U: Self Test 2
U - Self Text 2. Assessing yourself periodically in your learning curve will give you confidence and credibility.
A-Z Certification V: Business
V - Business. There is nothing wrong with making a profit. You are in business. Let's embrace the idea.
A-Z Certification W: Samples Proposals
W - Samples Proposals. Some say an absolutely mandatory and required skill to learn. Produce, edit, and customize your shop's order forms, proposal pages, and prospect guides.
A-Z Certification X: Digital & Impress
X - Digital & Impress. Beyond vector is Digital Graphics. Do more than just buy a fancy digital printer. Be able to produce the quality of the demonstrations you saw when you bought it.