A-Z Certification G: Import Export Save Publish
G - Import Export Save Publish. How do you get stuff in to, and out of Corel, properly? You know, so you can use it later, or on your machine(s)?
A-Z Certification H: Intelligent vs Curved
H - Intelligent vs Curved. Graphics that you can edit, that stay similar or in the same font etc. Or artwork that is raw information, just lines, and colors.
A-Z Certification I: Self Test 1
I - Self Test 1. You must learn about yourself, your capabilities, and your expectations. Hint, this is not an easy test- it's that way on purpose.
A-Z Certification J: Crop Erase Knife
J - Crop Erase Knife. Let's get rid of parts of this and that artwork. Here's some ways to do so.
A-Z Certification K: Clipart
K - Clipart. Stock images can help, but only as much as you know how to manipulate, manage, and customize them.
A-Z Certification L: Shaping
L - Shaping. Punching layers through each-other is not so simple. Which one on top? What to do with the overlap? How about many layers...?